Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Mmmm...web counters!

What do you do when stomach and back pain roust you from bed at 3:00am? I dip my big toe in the murky pool called HTML and see if a big cartoon piranha emerges to bite it off at the ankle. Surprisingly, none did. I installed a web counter, a little unobtrusive one, not one that looks like a slot machine. Not the most impressive web-related task, I know, but since I'd never even looked at HTML code before this past Saturday I feel like being a little self-congratulatory. If I open my blog later today and find it overwhelmed with banners and weird shit I'll regret this post. The nice folks who provided the free counter swore that wouldn't happen.

Right now I'm listening to the latest release from The Mars Volta, "Frances the Mule". If you've never heard them, follow the link for a good audio clip leading into the band's website. Do it, do it! They combine guitar rock, Latin, funk, and a bunch of other influences. Not quite as musically diverse as Crotchduster, but much lighter on death metal vocals and anal sex, if that's an issue for you. Come to think of it, if you listen to The Mars Volta and Crotchduster in the same day you should qualify for exemption from your place of work's diversity training requirements. Both CDs may wind up being subjects of reviews here at some point, but before I tackle either of those I have another music review already in the works. One of the year's most highly-anticipated metal releases dropped into my lap over the weekend, about six weeks before it hits the stores. I've almost got my head wrapped around it enough to write about it. Almost...

But that's enough for right now. The sun's coming up, and my immediate future is all about toast.


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