Saturday, September 23, 2006

Friday Fiver: just the facts, ma'am

It's a good thing I'm usually at least a day late when I answer the Friday Fiver. These questions would've been really boring if I'd had to answer them with Thursday night's data. Not that my Friday night was a hedonistic extravaganza of Caligulan extremes. Well, judge for yourself.

1. Where were you last night?

I was at my friends R&T's house, engaged in the great American passtime called poker. After working 10 hours on a Friday I deserved a little relaxation and petty gambling. I got both.

2. Did you speak with anyone?
Yes. It's difficult to play poker without speaking with anyone, unless you're playing online poker. At the very least you've got to offer up a profane diatribe whenever someone makes off with your money. BlueMule was sitting directly to my right, which meant I had free licence to offer up profane diatribes without provocation. He deserves them all.

3. What were you wearing?
Well, since I went to the game directly from work, I was still wearing my work clothes. Jeans. A grey plaid shirt. Socks. Underwear (boxers). Shoes (black Rockports). One wedding ring. One watch. Two earrings. One pair of glasses. Oh, and a cock ring.

4. What did you eat or drink?
I drank two bottles of Rock Art Whitetail Ale. Rock Art has become my favorite beer over the past year or so; they're a great little local microbrewery based in Morrisville, VT. Give 'em a try. My favorite is their Brown Bear, but that's hard to come by. I also had a couple sips of a tasty hard cider (also locally made) and one sip of red wine to remind myself that I really don't like red wine. I didn't eat anything at the game (T had made some deviled eggs, but I'm not a deviled eggs kinda guy), but on the way home I stopped at The McDonald's That Time Forgot (located in Randolph, VT, for those of you who haven't experienced it) and waited a full 20 minutes in the drive-thru lane for 2 plain cheeseburgers, large fries, and a bottled water. At least the fries were fresh and hot.

5. Can anyone verify your whereabouts from midnight to 5:00am?
Why? Was Moby murdered? My wife can sort of verify my whereabouts. She was asleep, but I was in bed with her. I know she knows I came to bed, because she woke up and greeted my with her patented "Whatthehellareyoudoing?"


Blogger BlueMule said...

That picture is of our god-awful guts game. I hate that game.

"I hate that clown!"


8:50 AM  

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