Friday, June 26, 2009

You say "exorcism", I say "cleansing ceremony"

I'm too damn lazy to put the links in, but making recent headlines is a video posted to YouTube of a ceremony at a small Bridgeport, CT church. In the video a youth writhes about on the floor while church members shout at the "homosexual demon" they believe to be possessing the boy.

Needless to say, gay and lesbian activists are less than enthused. I, however, have harvested a little nugget of irony from the CNN article about the video, which I'm happy to pass on to you. Call it an amusing juxtaposition of two quotes. Call it bitter snarkiness. I don't care. The first quote pertains to Patricia McKinney, pastor and self-described "prophet" of the small non-denominational church. The second is self-explanatory.

McKinney says she doesn't refer to the events of the video as an exorcism, but rather a "casting out of unclean spirits." --CNN

"I cast you out, unclean spirit!!" --Father Lancaster Merrin, "The Exorcist"


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