Friday, April 01, 2005

Take This Job and Shove It!, part 1


Igor: "Dr. Frankenstein?"

Dr.: "That's Fronkensteen."

Igor: "You're putting me on."

Dr.: "No, it's pronounced Fronkensteen."

Igor: "Do you also say Froderick?"

Dr.: "No. Frederick."

Igor: "Well, why isn't it Froderick Fronkensteen?"

Dr.: "It isn't. It's Frederick Fronkensteen."

Igor." I see."

Dr.: "You must be Igor."

Igor.: "No, it's pronounced...I'gor."

Dr.: "But...they told me it was Igor."

Igor: "Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?!"

Dr.: "Uh, you were sent by Herr Falkstein, weren't you?"

Igor: "Yes. My grandfather used to work for your grandfather."

Dr.: "How nice."

Igor: "Of course, the rates have gone up."


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